Titles by Region
Assensoh, A.B. (1998). African political leadership: Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, and Julius K. Nyerere. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing.
Davidson, Basil. (1980). The African slave trade (3rd ed.). Boston: Atlantic-Little, Brown Books.
Amazon Region
Borda, Carolina. (2010). Haciendo-nos mi cuerpo: Etnicidad, género y generación en un grupo napo kichwa. Quito: Flacso-Sede Ecuador.
Andean Region
Borges, Jorge Luis, Barnstone, Willis, & Wells, Herman B. (1982). Borges at eighty: Conversations. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Brokaw, Galen. (2003). The poetics of khipu historiography. Latin American Research Review, 38(3), 111–147.
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Laver, Mirko, & Urbano, Henrique (Eds.). (1991). Poder y violencia en los Andes. Cusco: Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos “Bartolomé de Las Casas.”
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Murakami, Yusuke. (2012). Dinámica político-económica de los países andinos. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
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Arnson, Cynthia, Isfandiyārī, Hālāh, & Stubits, Adam. (2010). Iran in Latin America: Threat or “axis of annoyance”? Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
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Cochran, Thomas C. (1971). Capitalism in Argentine culture: A study of Torcuato Di Tella and S. I. A. M (1st Pennsylvania paperback ed). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Delich, Francisco J. (1970). Crisis y protesta social Córdoba, mayo de 1969. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Signos.
Gaffney, Christopher Thomas. (2009). Temples of the earthbound gods: Stadiums in the cultural landscapes of Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Halperín Donghi, Tulio, & Southern, R. W. (1975). Politics, economics and society in Argentina in the revolutionary period. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jauretche, Arturo. (1973). F.O.R.J.A. y la década infame. Buenos Aires: A. Peña Lillo.
Luna, Félix. (1974). Argentina: De Perón a Lanusse, 1943-1973. São Paulo: Civilizaçao Brasileira.
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Rockefeller, Stuart Alexander. (2010). Starting from Quirpini: The travels and places of a Bolivian people. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Romero, José Luis. (1968). A history of Argentine political thought (McGann, Thomas F., Trans.). Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
Sarmiento, D.F. (1966). Life in the Argentine republic in the days of the tyrants (or, civilization and barbarism). New York: Macmillan.
Scobie, James R. (1971). Argentina: A city and a nation. London: Oxford University Press.
Seveso, César. (2004). La delicuencia roja: Anticommunism in Argentina, 1930-1940. (Master’s Thesis.) Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Smith, Peter H. (1969). Politics and beef in Argentina; patterns of conflict and change. New York: Columbia University Press.
Tulchin, Joseph S., & Garland, Allison M. (1998). Argentina: The challenges of modernization. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources.
Túnnermann-Bernheim, Carlos. (2013). Noventa años de la reforma universitaria de Córdoba 1918-2008. Buenos Aires: CLACSO: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Ed.). (1994). Piedra y canto: cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Literatura de Mendoza, 7–8.
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Whitaker, Arthur Preston. (1964). Argentina. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Aoki, Andrew, & Takeda, Okiyoshi. (2008). Asian American politics. Malden, MA: Polity Press.
Montgomery, John D., Cheng, Kai Ming, & Pacific Basin Research Center (Eds.). (1997). Values in education: Social capital formation in Asia and the Pacific. Hollis, NH: Hollis Publication Company.
McNair, Anna. (1994). Refuse Disposal Studies from Albion Island, Belize. (Master’s Thesis). Indiana University, Bloomington IN.
Arnson, Cynthia, Isfandiyārī, Hālāh, & Stubits, Adam. (2010). Iran in Latin America: Threat or “axis of annoyance”? Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Ferry, Stephen. (1999). I am rich Potosí: The mountain that eats men. New York: Monacelli Press.
Gamarra Zorrilla, José. (1993). Liberalismo y neoliberalismo: Breve interpretación de la historia de Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia: Editorial Los Amigos del Libro.
O’Phelan, Scarlett. (1984). Un siglo de rebeliones anticoloniales: Perú y Bolivia 1700-1783. Cusco: Centro de Estudios Rurales Andinos “Bartolomé de las Casas.”
Rockefeller, Stuart Alexander. (2010). Starting from Quirpini: The travels and places of a Bolivian people. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press
Borsum, Christina. (2012). New Corporate Governance Regulations in Brazil: Intended Goals and Initial Effects in a Developing Capital Market (Master’s Thesis). Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Coelho, Miguel. (1983). Terra fluminense: Desenhos de Miguel Coelho. Niterói: Univ. Federal Fluminense.
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Guarnieri, Camargo, Fialkow, Ney, Domenici, Catarina, & Loss, André. (2013). A música para piano de Camargo Guarnieri: 8 sonatinas e sonata [Musical Recording]. Brazil: Contemporânea Discos.
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Mainwaring, Scott, & Wilde, Alexander (Eds.). (1989). The Progressive church in Latin America. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
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Pereira, Manuel Nunes. (1954). Os índios maués. Rio de Janeiro: Organização Simões.
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Schmitter, Philippe C. (1971). Interest conflict and political change in Brazil. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Seigel, Micol. (2009). Uneven encounters: Making race and nation in Brazil and the United States. Durham, NC: Duke University Press Books.
Wagley, Charles. (1977). Welcome of tears: The Tapirapé Indians of central Brazil. New York: Oxford University Press.
Carey, Elaine, & Marak, Andrae M. (2011). Smugglers, brothels, and twine: Historical perspectives on contraband and vice in North America’s borderlands (3rd ed.). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
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Fagg, John Edwin. (1965). Cuba, Haiti, & the Dominican Republic. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Halloran, Vivian Nun. (2009). Exhibiting slavery: The Caribbean postmodern novel as museum. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press.
Hulme, Peter. (1986). Colonial encounters: Europe and native Caribbean, 1492-1797. New York: Routledge.
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McGraw, Jason. (2014). The work of recognition: Caribbean Colombia and the postemancipation struggle for citizenship. Durham, NC: UNC Press Books.
Mohammed, Jeniffer Anne. (2007). CAPE Caribbean studies: An interdisciplinary approach. Oxford: Macmillan Caribbean.
Okpewho, Isidore, Davies, Carole Boyce, & Mazrui, Ali A. (Eds.). (2001). The African diaspora: African origins and new world identities. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
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Payne, Anthony, Sutton, Paul K., & Thorndike, Tony. (1984). Grenada: Revolution and invasion. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Pepperpot: Best new stories from the Caribbean. (2014). New York: Akashic Books.
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Robinson, Randall. (2011). Makeda. New York: Akashic Books.
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West, Robert C., & Augelli, John P. (1989). Middle America: Its lands and peoples (3rd ed). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Central America
21st century health care in Latin America and the Caribbean: Prospects for achieving health for all. (1998). Mexico City: Institute for Alternative Futures and Fundación Mexicana para la Salud.
Álvarez, Marcelo, & Rodríguez, Ronny. (2001). El poder legislativo en la democracia y la integración. San José, Costa Rica: Organización de los Estados Americanos, Unidad para la Promoción de la Democracia (UPD/OEA).
Berryman, Phillip. (1985). Inside Central America: The essential facts past and present on El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. New York: Pantheon Books.
Cagan, Steve, & Cagan, Beth. (1991). This promised land, El Salvador: The refugee community of Colomoncagua and their return to Morazán. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Chase, Diane Z., & Chase, Arlen F. (Eds.). (1994). Mesoamerican Elites: An archaeological assessment. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
Cycon, Dean. (2007). Javatrekker: Dispatches from the world of fair trade coffee. Hartford, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.
Gutiérrez Saxe, Miguel (Series Ed.). (n.d.). Cuarto informe, estado de la región en desarrollo humano sostenible, 2010.
Pang, Hildegard Delgado. (1992). Pre-Columbian art: Investigations and insights (1st ed). Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Rodríguez Chang, Ronny. (2001). Parlamentos, descentralización y desarrollo local. San José, Costa Rica: Unidad para la Promoción de la Democracia de la OEA : Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano : Foro de Presidentes de los Poderes Legislativos de Centroamérica.
Rodríguez Chang, Ronny, & Vasquez Castro, Luis A. (Eds.). (n.d.). El rol de los parlamentos en: La lucha contra la corrupción. Causas y efectos de un problema regional. San José, Costa Rica: UPD/OEA/Parlamento Centroamericano.
Torres, María Dolores G., & Universidad Centroamericana (Managua), Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica. (2009). Visión de Nicaragua y Centroamérica en el legado de Walter Lehmann: El archivo fotográfico de sus viajes 1907-1909. Managua: Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica, Universidad Centroamericana.
Vijil Gurdián, Josefina. (2006). Haciendo historia: Actividades de aprendizaje para el curso de Historia de Nicaragua (3rd ed.). Managua, Nicaragua: Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica.
West, Robert C., & Augelli, John P. (1989). Middle America: Its lands and peoples (3rd ed). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Arriagada Herrera, Genaro. (1970). La oligarquía patronal chilena. Santiago: Ediciones Nueva Universidad, Universidad Católica de Chile.
Arriaran, Pablo, Hakim, Peter, & Fernández, Mariano. (2009). Visions from Finis Terrae: Chilean voices in the United States. Washington D.C.: Inter-American Dialogue/Marick Press.
Debray, R., & Allende Gossens, S. (1972). The Chilean revolution; conversations with Allende. New York: Pantheon Books.
Frazier, Lessie Jo. (2007). Salt in the sand: Memory, violence, and the nation-state in Chile, 1890 to the present. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Horowitz, Irving Louis (Ed.). (1967). The rise and fall of Project Camelot: Studies in the relationship between social science and practical politics. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.
Hughes, Eugenio. (2007). Descubriendo Chile. Santiago, Chile: Mandiola y Cia.
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Malbran, Maria Antonieta Huerta, Chavez, Carlos Fabian Pressacco, Beltran, Consuelo Ahumada, Jaramillo, Marcela Velasco, Alcaraz, Jesus Puente, & Huerta, María Antonieta. (2000). Descentralización, municipio y participación ciudadana: Chile, Columbia y Guatemala. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Medina, Eden. (2014). Cybernetic revolutionaries: Technology and politics in Allende’s Chile. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Moran, Theodore H. (1975). Multinational corporations and the politics of dependence: Copper in Chile. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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González, Fernán E., Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular, & Asociación Peruana de Estudios e Investigaciones para la Paz (Eds.). (1993). Violencia en la región andina. El caso Colombia. Bogotá: CINEP: APEP.
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McGraw, Jason. (2014). The work of recognition: Caribbean Colombia and the postemancipation struggle for citizenship. Durham, NC: UNC Press Books.
Parrondo, Mauricio de Miranda, & Mora, Felipe González. (2002). Alternativas de política económica y social en América Latina y el Caribe: Cuatro casos de estudio: Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba y México. Bogotá: Centro Editorial Javeriano, Pontificia Universidad.
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Ramos, María Elena. (1984). Un museo para la paz. Caracas: Departamento de Relaciones Públicas de Lagoven.
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Costa Rica
Berryman, Phillip. (1985). Inside Central America: The essential facts past and present on El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Costa Rica (1st ed.). New York: Pantheon Books.
Gutiérrez Saxe, Miguel (Series Ed.). (n.d.). Cuarto informe, estado de la región en desarrollo humano sostenible, 2010.
Jiménez, Iván Molina, & Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard. (1999). Urnas de lo inesperado: Fraude electoral y lucha politíca en Costa Rica (1901-1948). San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.
Parrondo, Mauricio de Miranda, & Mora, Felipe González. (2002). Alternativas de política económica y social en América Latina y el Caribe: Cuatro casos de estudio: Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba y México. Bogotá: Centro Editorial Javeriano, Pontificia Universidad.
Rojas González, José Manuel. (2015). ¿Para qué carretas sin marimbas?: Hacia una historia crítica de la práctica de la música “clásica” en Costa Rica (1971—2011) (1st ed.). San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Arlekín.
Allison, Graham T. (1971). Essence of decision: Explaining the Cuban missile crisis. Boston: Little, Brown.
Angeline, John David, Bleys, Rudi, Diaz Casas, Rafael, Koll, Ann, & Emilio Sanchez Foundation. (2011). Hard light: The work of Emilio Sanchez. Munich: Prestel Verlag.
Birkenmaier, Anke, & Whitfield, Esther. (2011). Havana beyond the ruins: Cultural mappings after 1989. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Calcines, Argel (Ed.). (2019). Opus Habana. Havana, Cuba: Oficina del Historiador de La Habana.
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Draper, Theodore. (1965). Castroism: Theory and practice. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
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Fagg, John Edwin. (1965). Cuba, Haiti, & the Dominican Republic. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Franklin, Jarrod B. (2008). Cross-dialectal perception of the syllable-final /r/ of Cuba. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University, Department of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
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El Salvador
Berryman, Phillip. (1985). Inside Central America: The essential facts past and present on El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Costa Rica (1st ed.). New York: Pantheon Books.
Bonner, Raymond. (1984). Weakness and deceit: U.S. policy and El Salvador. New York: Times Books
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