Funding Opportunities

Graduate Funding Opportunities

CLACS provides several funding opportunities for current M.A. and Ph.D. students who focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. Also listed here are other opportunities available through Indiana University. CLACS sends out weekly notices of other funding opportunities in our Novedades e-newsletter.

All incoming M.A. applicants are automatically considered for any available funding positions CLACS might have for the next year. Graduate Assistant (GA) positions include 16 hours per week of work, assisting with outreach programming, event publicity and logistics, and other dimensions of the Center's day-to-day operations. In exchange for this work, they receive a tuition and fee remission (up to $10,000 per semester), student health insurance, and a living stipend. CLACS also makes arrangements with other departments and programs, like the Department of International Studies and Latino Studies program, for CLACS M.A. students to serve as Associate Instructors (AIs). Those with near-native language skills in Spanish or Portuguese and teaching experience will be considered for associate instructorships in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. AIs receive nearly full tuition and fee remission, health insurance, and a stipend in return for teaching three introductory language sections per year in Spanish or Portuguese. 

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies' Language across the Curriculum (LAC) program offers students the opportunity to apply their Spanish or Portuguese language skills outside the traditional language classroom. In collaboration with International Studies faculty the LAC initiative allows students to integrate their chosen language into their curricula. Graduate students serving as Associate Instructors will lead discussion sections in either Spanish or Portuguese.

Associate Instructors participating in Language Across the Curriculum are paid $4,400 in addition to their regular stipend. AI’s are expected to lead a discussion in the target language once a week and create in-class assignments that will encourage language fluency.

Application deadline for the 2023-2024 academic year is , April 7, 2023.

To apply:

Special eligibility requirements apply for Associate Instructors who are not United States citizens or permanent residents.

Foreign Language and Area Studies fellowships are funded by the United States Department of Education and pay for undergraduate and graduate students (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) to study less commonly taught languages of Latin America and the Caribbean at the intermediate level or higher. Academic year fellowships for graduate students include a tuition and fee remission, graduate health insurance, and a living stipend. (Undergraduates receive smaller amounts.) Summer fellowships are intended to fund intensive language study (at least 6 weeks, 140 hrs for elementary/intermediate & 120 hrs for advanced), either at a program in the United States (like IU's own Language Workshop), or at a program abroad.

The Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies of the Hamilton Lugar School wants to award you up to $7,500 to study any of the following languages. Online instruction available (see below).
• Haitian Creole: University of Kansas;Florida International University
• Maya: Indiana University
• Quechua: University of Michigan
• Portuguese: Tulane; University of Kansas; University of Florida; University of Arizona
• Other Latin American languages can be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Study Online! Almost any intensive language program is eligible, as long as it is at least 6 weeks in duration and fulfills 140 contact hours for elementary/intermediate and 120 contact hours for advanced learners.

Application requirements:
• Statement of Purpose Essay
• Academic transcripts
• Three letters of recommendation

Academic Year Application Deadline: January 30, 2022

Summer Application Deadline: February 14, 2022

To apply

For more information
• Questions? Email

Awards: Summer 2022
• $2,500 stipend
• $5,000 maximum tuition award

The Nancy and Michael Werner Fellowship in Latin American Studies supports fellowships for graduate students pursuing a master's degree in Latin American Studies in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies. First preference will be given to students who have a geographical focus on Mexico and second preference will be given to students who are residents of Indiana.


Incoming students are also encouraged to seek out external sources of funding, several of which are detailed on the website of the University Graduate School. Other funded positions are routinely advertised on the Grad Grants website. Immigrants or children of immigrants who are applying to graduate school may qualify for the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans.



Faculty Funding Opportunities

CLACS offers funds for IU faculty to travel for research and conferences, as well as funds for foreign scholars to spend time at IU.

As part of our Title VI funding CLACS is pleased to offer travel awards for faculty members who travel for research or conferences related to Latin America and the Caribbean. These awards are open to IU faculty from any campus. Domestic travel awards are for up to $500, while international awards are for up to $1,000. CLACS will prioritize applications from faculty who have not received a travel award previously. (Please note that federal law requires that grant funds be used only to support air travel on U.S. carriers.)

Application Deadline: November 22, 2023

To apply, please fill out this form and attach a one-page project description and budget.

This position is open to senior faculty members, researchers, musicians, composers, or performers from institutions across Brazil for funding for one academic term (fall or spring semester) to support teaching and research activities at IU. It recognizes mid-career and senior researchers and musicians in areas of performance, composition, theory, musicology and ethnomusicology who influence music performance and education around the globe. Fulbright chairs also exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to the body of research in one or more of the related areas to the IU Jacobs School of Music and the College of Arts and Sciences.

Indiana University faculty and librarians can apply each year to participate in month-long exchange programs with university partners around the world. These competitive programs are administered and funded by the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs (OVPIA).