How to Apply
Application Materials
- Research proposal (3 pages maximum)
- Budget (1 page maximum)
- CV
- Two letters of recommendation
Deadline for submission: Not available at this time.
Detailed Instructions
- Apply online. If you will be conducting research with human subjects, please consult with the Office of Research Compliance as to whether such clearance will be required for your project.) If so, the application requires a description of how clearance will be obtained. (CLACS strongly encourages students to begin exploring these issues right away, as this process can take several months.) For projects requiring human subjects clearance, funds will not be disbursed until final, official approval of the study has been obtained.
- Research proposal of no more than 3 pages double-spaced, with the following components: a) Describe your research including the theoretical framework and/or contribution to relevant literatures in your field(s), b) Outline travel plans including specific dates, places, and methods of data collection or other research activity (meetings with local academics, etc.), c) Demonstrate project feasibility (i.e, reference to language skills, prior experience, support from advisors, etc., 4) Address importance of research project for your academic and/or professional plans in relation to Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
- Proposed budget itemized as follows: a) International airfare, b) in-country transportation (bus, train, taxi, etc.), c) food and lodging, e) health insurance, visas, etc., f) research supplies (please specify)
- Letters of recommendation, one of which should come from the applicant's principal academic advisor, emailed to